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Forged by Fate (The Aqua Collection Book 1) Page 11

  Trace’s lips pull back to reveal a shark-like smile. “You ready for this?”

  “Yep.” I focus on the water. It laps gently against the walls of the pool. For a second, I imagine myself falling in and becoming one with it. The feeling overwhelms me, and I take a step back. What in the world was that?

  “Having second thoughts?” Trace asked in a condescending tone.

  I move forward again, crouch, and take a deep breath. “No way.”

  Ron counted down, and then we were airborne for what seemed like an eternity. We both seamlessly dive into the pool, nearly in perfect sync. I allow my hands to cut through the water with each stroke and keep my breathing in a steady rhythm.

  Trace kicked off at the other end of the pool a second before I do, giving him a small lead. We kick off again, and this time it’s simultaneous. My muscles begin to burn on the last stretch, which rarely ever happens. He’s fast, I realize. Faster than anyone I’ve ever gone up against.

  I slap my palms against the pool, right after him. I wade for a few moments, in quiet shock. No one’s ever beaten me. Did that really just happen?

  Trace was silent as he lifted himself from the pool. The team is soundless too, staring between the two of us in awe. Trace held out a dripping hand to me.

  I take it without hesitation, feeling a deep sense of respect towards him. “Thanks.” I mumble as he helped me out of the water. I’ve got to ask…“Were you holding back?”

  “Why do you say that?” Trace questioned, giving me an odd look.

  I’m not really sure why I asked. I just have this strange sensation that there’s something more to him. “I don’t know.” I say.

  “That match was crazy!” Todd yelled, interrupting us. “Dude, you beat your time, and this isn’t even going on record. Shit, I shoulda recorded it for Coach to see!”

  A girl with a mini afro approached me. “I’m Monique, captain of the girls’ swim team. It’s nice to meet you.” She had an earnest voice and kind eyes.

  I smile at her. “I’m Iris. Nice to meet you too.”

  “And I’m loving the hair girl. Shaved sides are edgy.” She complimented.

  I blush at the praise. “Thanks.”

  A few other curious girls come up and greet me. One of them handed me a towel. They’re full of questions, but Monique made sure that they don’t get too prying or personal. We all chat for a bit, and I begin to warm up to the team and look forward to spending more time with them. Every once in a while, I catch Trace watching me with a quizzical expression on his face. But he didn’t approach me, and eventually walked off with Todd.

  “I’m gonna’ go find Thomas.” Ron told me. I can tell that he’s worried about him.

  “I’ll go with you.” I say and make my leave from the girls. By now my clothes and hair have dried for the most part.

  “See ya later, Iris!” Monique called.

  I wave back at her as Ron and I slip back into the house. I’m hit by a wave of dizziness upon being thrown back into chaos, and immediately want to go back outside. How could I have just experienced something so surreal and then be met with this?

  Crap! Almost forgot. “I’ve got to go to the bathroom right quick, will you wait for me?” I ask Ron.

  “Yeah, come on.” He led me to a bathroom and waited outside while I checked in with my dad. Jeez, this is so uncool. Then, it was back into the fray.

  I grip the back of Ron’s hoodie for dear life as we weave and duck through the crowd. The music reverberates through my rib cage, and I can barely even recognize the song. Ron paused at a table of finger foods and a tub of punch, grabbed himself a few things, and continued his search.

  We find Thomas sprawled out on a striped futon with the letter ‘T’ spelled out in potato chips across his chest. For a second I think he’s asleep, but he grabbed a chip and munched on it.

  I laugh until my sides hurt. “Wow! I never thought I’d see him like this.” I exclaim.

  “This is nothing.” Ron said with a roll of his eyes.

  “Iris…Ron…is that you? My friends have come for me!” Thomas slurred. He sat up, chips falling around him. I hide my smile behind my hand, not wanting to embarrass him. “Ron, did you bring the drinks?”

  “I think you’ve had enough for the night.” Ron said with a chuckle.

  “Iris, have you had enough?” Thomas asked me, leaning over to the right a little.

  I shake my head. “I don’t drink.”

  “This is your first party, isn’t it?” Ron inquired.

  “That obvious?” I ask, cheeks turning red.

  “You’ve got to…let loose. Like, become one with the couch and shit. Just relax. You’re even standing all stiff and uncomfortable looking.” Thomas motioned to me.

  I try to relax my stance. “Well, I am kind of uncomfortable. The music is too loud and—”

  Thomas held up a hand, “—beans give me gas but I still eat them! Reeelaaax.” He started bobbing his head to the beat. “Dance. Ron get a partner, we’re going dancing.”

  I shake my head. “No way. I don’t dance.”

  Ron motioned for a tall girl who had been sitting on an overturned vase.

  “No way!” I say again, more firmly.

  Thomas came to a wobbly stand, and then fell right back down. “You know what? Ron, you should dance with her. I can barely move.” He admitted with a groan.

  “Maybe we should just go home?” I suggest.

  “You must dance! It is your rite-of-passage.” Thomas announced grandly before passing out.

  “Okay, you heard him. Let’s go dance, Iris.” Ron shrugged.

  The tall girl stomped her foot in anger. “Ummm…what about me?”

  Ron bit his knuckle in response, glancing between the two of us.

  I wave them both off. “You two go ahead. I don’t really want to dance.”

  “You sure?” Ron asked.

  “I’m sure. Have fun kids.”

  I plop down in a chair across from Thomas and let my mind wander. I’m surprised that I haven’t seen Dara yet. I figured she’d be waiting for the opportunity to mess with me, and I wanted her to know that I did indeed show up and not back out. I observe the people dancing and enjoying themselves around me, and I feel lonely, like I’m lacking something.

  “Did your dad enjoy his cologne?”

  Chapter 17

  Well, This Is Awkward


  My knee jitters up and down. I tap the pencil Jen had loaned me against my hand. Ron had dropped me off a little over an hour ago. I try and relax, forcing myself to sink into an overly comfortable couch in the corner of the study room. Who the hell has a room built specifically for studying?

  We were only just starting on the project. Jen’s parents had insisted that we ate dinner before working on anything school related. That had been quite the experience. But nothing that I’m not used to by now. Her father had blatantly shown his dislike for me during the meal, glaring at me over the rim of his wine glass. And her mother won’t stop checking in on us while we work, as if I had ill intentions.

  “O-okay. Um, how old are you Blaze?” The girl was practically frightened to death.


  And I’ll be damned if she didn’t start writing that down.

  “I’m 19. I was kidding.” I offer what I hope passes for a smile.

  She let out a forced laugh. “Oh, of course you were!”

  “What about you? What’s your age?”

  “I’m 18.”

  I write that down. Originally, I hadn’t had my paper with me. But there’s a printer here in the study room. Jen made a copy of her blank one for me to use. I scan down the questions we had still yet to answer, filling with dread. We’ve still got so many.

  Her mom knocked on the door before entering. “I made some brownies.” She set them down on the desk and quietly eased out of the room. It takes a lot out of me, but I manage to keep from rolling my eyes.

  “What kind of books do you
like to read?” She glanced away once she asked. She hadn’t held my gaze for longer than two seconds the entire time I’ve been here.

  I sigh in frustration. This is pointless. Just get through it. “Edgar Allan Poe is my favorite author, so I guess gothic horror.”

  Jen gasped in excitement and clasped her hands together.

  I lean back even further, caught off guard by her wide eyes.

  “I’ve read some of his short stories! He’s a great author!” She rambled. “I think that my fav—”

  “What kind of books do you read?” I interrupt. I wasn’t in the mood for idle conversation. I just want to get this over with.

  Jen deflated. “Um, I enjoy most genres of manga. But my parents prefer that I read nonfiction. Do you need me to be more specific about that? Maybe give you some examples—”

  “Nope.” I begin to scribble down her answers.

  She pushed her glasses up. “Um, could you please stop interrupting me?” She put a hand over her mouth after saying it, appalled by her own boldness.

  I stop writing and give her a once over. Who knew she had that one in her? Maybe she does have a little fire. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel slightly ashamed by my actions. “Yeah, my bad.” I mutter.

  “Thanks.” She said with relief. “Have a brownie.”

  Hesitantly, I pick one up. It’s still warm. My eyebrows raise at the rich taste. “These are good.” I admit.

  “Now what’s your favorite food?”

  “I like anything spicy. Especially chips.” I answer. “You?”

  “I love sweets. I’m a classic chocolate cake kind of girl.” She admitted.

  I internally frown when I read over the next question. That’s a deep one. “What is your greatest fear?” I make a point to keep my voice neutral.

  A moment of silence passed. She meets my eyes and doesn’t look away this time. “Disappointing my parents.” She responded.

  Something inside of me cringes. This is personal. I’d rather not discuss things like this. Her answer had been simple, but I could feel the weight behind her words. I could sense that this topic was one that pressured her every day. This must’ve been what Ron meant. Shame reared its head once again. I shouldn’t have judged her so quickly.

  “What about you, Blaze? I honestly can’t imagine you being afraid of anything.” Jen said.

  I have the strong desire to leave. The walls of the study close in on me. I grip the arm of the couch.

  “It’s okay, Blaze.” Her voice sounded sympathetic. Yet he didn’t hear the pity that he was accustomed to. “You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”

  I almost laugh aloud. I can’t believe that this weird girl is trying to comfort me. Me. Hadn’t she heard all the rumors? “I’m afraid of becoming the person that everyone thinks I am.” The words leave my mind without my permission. They hang in the air between us, taunting me. My neck and cheeks burn from the admittance. Shit. Why did I say that? I abruptly stand up, intent on running out of this place before I lose all my dignity.

  “Please sit down. Let’s finish the project.” She stood up and hurriedly blocked my path.

  I swallow. I want to shove past her. To scare her away like I do everyone else. “I need to get going.” I say, narrowing my eyes at her.

  “You know…you really don’t scare me anymore. Sit back down.” She ordered. “We’ve gotten this far.”

  I surprise myself by doing as she asked. I don’t know what’s gotten into me today. I’ve never been so obliging. First Ron. Now her.

  “Thank you.” She went back to her seat. “I tell you what. For me, put that I’m afraid of…oh I don’t know. Frogs? No…” Her eyes widen. “Dragons! That’s classic. They’re scary but also really cool! I wish they were real!”

  I work hard to suppress a grin. Of all the things. I scribble that down. “Alright. Then I am absolutely terrified of girls with glasses.”

  Chapter 18

  My Rite-Of-Passage


  I jump and hold a hand to my chest.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He said with an apologetic look.

  “It’s alright. James, right? No, Jake from the mall.” I flush in embarrassment, remembering how we last parted.

  Jake laughed, his brown hair falling over his eyes. He pushed the strands away. “And you’re Iris, if I remember correctly. And your friend’s name is Minerva. Is she here tonight too?”

  “No, she couldn’t make it.”

  “So, you’re here by yourself?” He said, and he almost sounded concerned.

  I get a weird feeling. I don’t really know this guy and he’s beginning to give me a suspicious vibe. “I’m actually here with my friends Ron and Thomas.” I say his name louder than necessary, hoping to wake him up. He doesn’t budge. Wow.

  “Oh, okay.” He drummed his fingers against his leg.

  “Do you like this song?” I ask awkwardly.

  “Not at all. It doesn’t even sound like music, just noise, and it’s way too loud.” He responded bluntly.

  “I feel the same way.” I reply.

  Another awkward beat passes between us.

  “Do you want to dance?” He suddenly inquired, looking anywhere but at me.

  I swallow and feel heat creeping to my cheeks again. I try to think of something witty to say. “I don’t think that’d be appropriate.” I smile at the inside joke.

  He looked lost for a second, but then the grin that appeared on his lips tells me that he remembered our last exchange. “Is that a no?” He inquired.

  I sigh and take a deep breath before standing up. “Nah, I’ll dance with you. Apparently, it’s my rite-of-passage for the night.”

  “I’ll be doing you a favor then.”

  “You’re the one who asked.” I quip.

  Jake led me through the house and to the front door.

  I stop walking and take a step back. “I thought we were dancing?”

  “We will. Come on. It’s too crowded in here.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Trust me, Iris.” There’s something about the way he said it that makes me want to believe him. He doesn’t exactly give me serial killer vibes, but there is something off about him. Maybe I shouldn’t judge him so quickly though?


  We exited the house and walked out onto the lawn until the music grew faint. The night had grown cooler, and there were more stars out now. He stopped and extended his hand in my direction.

  I cover my face in my hands, feeling shy. “Old-school I see.” My voice is more confident than I feel, and that’s saying a lot considering how uncomfortable I sound.

  Jake seemed confused. “What do you mean?”

  I shake my head, laughing a little. “Never mind.”

  He spun me around as soon as I place my hand in his own. When he pulled me back to him and our eyes meet, I feel as though the background melts away. We are no longer at Dara’s house. Instead stood on a warm, grassy hill with a full moon as our spotlight. We dance to a tune that sounds like the twinkling of stars. I’m breathless as he spun me around again and guided me in some elaborate dance.


  We dance for hours, swaying back and forth. I am completely weightless.

  “Iris? Have you heard anything I’ve been saying?”

  Jake shook me back to reality. The sad excuse for music fills my ears once more, the moon wanes back into a crescent, and the warmth seeps away. I push him away from me. “What the heck was that?” I demand, looking around wildly.

  “What are you talking about? We were dancing, and then I tried talking to you, but you didn’t respond.”

  I press a hand to my forehead, my head beginning to ache. “No, no, no. The moon was full, and we were on this hill…” I trail off, fully realizing how crazy I must sound. I notice that Jake’s eyes widen ever so slightly, not much, but enough to make me narrow my eyes at him. “Did you drug me or something?” I ask angrily.

>   Jake held up his hands. “Of course not!”

  “Iris! Yo, Iris!” Ron yelled from the steps leading up to the house for the second time tonight.

  “I’m over here!” I wave at him, still eyeing Jake suspiciously. “What were you talking to me about?” I ask him as Ron drew nearer. He had a flustered Thomas in tow.

  “We can’t discuss it now.” Jake muttered, seemingly irritated.

  “I was searching all over for you!” Ron exclaimed in worry.

  “Sorry, Ron. I was…dancing.” I say, with a sideways glance at Jake.

  Ron appeared to only just now notice the guy beside me. “Jake, is that you? I haven’t seen you in weeks man! How have you been doing?”

  A look of surprise flitted across Jake’s face. I watch him closer. It wasn’t exactly the surprise of seeing a long-lost friend so much as being caught off guard. “Same as always. How have you been?” He responded.

  “Good, good. I can’t stick around to chat though. I was just looking for Iris.” Ron turned to me. “Thomas and I are about to head out. You leaving too?”

  I pull my phone from my pocket to check the time. “Yeah, otherwise my dad will be furious. Actually, that reminds me…I’ve got to check in with him before I leave.”

  I give him a call. He picked up in the middle of the first ring. “I’m about to leave now dad. Just checking in. I’ll be home in a couple minutes.”

  My dad narrowed his eyes. “Who are those guys behind you?”

  Ron waved excitedly. “Nice to meet you, Mr. M!”

  Thomas raised his head, mumbled what sounded like a ‘hello’, and then stumbled away from us. Ron and I cringe when we hear him vomiting.

  “They’re Ron and Thomas! You seriously don’t remember Thomas? He helped us with packing! You’re hopeless.”

  “What about him?”

  I point behind me to Jake. “Who, him?” I lean in and whisper, “I’ll be honest with you dad, he’s a little shady.”

  “You better stay away from my daughter.” My dad threatened loudly. “Hurry home, sweetie. Charley kept a plate warm for you. Love you.”